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3 Mobile Broadband Explored

This page contains information on how to use 3's Mobile Broadband service for Internet access on a laptop. We're using UK network 3's ZTE USB Modem

3 Mobile Broadband:

Network Operator 3's main selling point is their 3G Internet connectivity, and it's not surprising that as well as offering Internet-enabled mobiles, they also offer connectivity for laptops and desktops. 3 offers a range of USB 3G modems to connect into a USB port and provide a wireless broadband service.

With 3, you can choose to get a USB dongle on a contract (from £10 a month), or on a pay-as-you-go basis. Packages range from 1 gig to 15 gig a month download limits.

3 offers a range of mobile dongles. On this page, we look at the ZTE model. For the full range, go to 3's Mobile Broadband section

3 Broadband Dongles



3's 3G USB Modem Availability

Available on 3 Broadband to Go. These USB dongles are available on three different packages: Lite, Plus or Max. These contracts offer download limits of between 1GB and 15GB a month.

Prices start from £10 a month on contract for Mobile Broadband. A free USB modem is supplied.

A pay-as-you-go version is also available - the modem costs £49 and you top-up like you do with a PAYG mobile.

Go to for more on 3's USB modems and tariffs, and to order.


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FrequencyCast Podcast IconPODCAST FEATURE: USB Modems: We looked into USB modems, in show 27.
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